Nancy E. Carroll & Annie Golden in "Ripcord"
(photo: T. Charles Erickson) |
One of the stranger current play titles is that of
Ripcord by David Lindsay-Abaire (Rabbit Hole, Good
People), the final seasonal production of Huntington Theatre
Company. It refers to the ripcord that must be pulled in order for a
parachute to open from its pack. Unusual though it may at first
seem, the title comes to be understood as appropriate for this
comedy, which is cause for rejoicing, or at the very least,
skydiving. As Directed by Jessica Stone (fondly remembered in her
previous life as an actress in such works as Huntington's She
Loves Me ), even down to the synchronized blackouts, this
one's a keeper. As the playwright notes, this play is a return to
his earlier style of writing, which Stone describes as an “absurdist
sense of comic sensibility that cloaks themes of real pain and loss
and need...(where) comedy is used like a gateway drug...to explore
our darker impulses safely.” It's zany, wacky, wildly inventive,
and hysterically funny.
The setting is Bristol Place Senior Living Facility,
somewhere in New Jersey in 2015, in the twin room about to be
occupied by two supremely antithetical humans. Abby Binder (Nancy E.
Carroll), who, if you looked up the meaning of the word
“cantankerous” in the dictionary, would have her photo there,
suddenly finds herself a roomie to Marilyn Dunne (Annie Golden), a
ceaselessly chipper antagonist for the more volatile Abby. It must
first be noted that female actors of a certain vintage are too often
relegated to the sidelines long before their sell-by dates.
Thankfully, regional theater tends to recognize treasures
without overtly enshrining them; such is the case with the amazingly
versatile Carroll and Golden. It's not long before their two
characters propose a bet, namely that Abby will make Marilyn feel
anger before Marilyn can make Abby feel fear. Ah, surely it's never
been truer that we ought to be careful what we bet on. The
playwright, as in some of his previous plays, knows full well that
humor is a coping mechanism, and, like life itself, it shouldn't be a
surprise that underneath it there's pain and hurt and desperate
need...and, especially in some cultures, ethnic survival methods. As
the saying goes, “what happens next” is logical and quite easily
anticipated, but even if you see it all coming, the specifics won't
fail to amuse and even amaze.
Annie Golden, Ugo Chukwu & Nancy E. Carroll in "Ripcord"
(photo: T. Charles Erickson) |
There are set-ups and pay-offs galore: a troubled figure
from Abby's past, Benjamin (Eric T. Miller); appearances by Marilyn's
daughter Colleen (Laura Latreille) and son-in-law Derek (Richard
Prioleau); a helpful attendant and part-time actor Scotty (Ugo
Chukwu); and some comfortable familiarity with situation comedy
touches of a forced mismatch. As the playwright has stated
elsewhere, by the end of the play, the two leads actually find they
need one another, and have changed each other, becoming different
people, in a setting that all too often ends up being the last stop
in the lives of its occupants. Where Abby had been a dictatorial
misanthropic queen bee and Marilyn an impossibly sunny drone, their
interactions have devolved into increasingly cruel and personal
pranks, mirroring how each had become more disengaged from the world
in differing responses to their being so hurt, wounded and damaged by
life. How the playwright deftly manages to balance the bitter and
the sweet is a marvel. He's aided by the ingenious Scenic Design by
Tobin Ost (realistic and absurdist), Costume Design by Gabriel Barry
(even to Marilyn's schmattes), Lighting Design by David
Weiner, Sound and Original Music by Mark Bennett, Projection Design
by Lucy Mackinnon, and a wonderful acting ensemble, led by Carroll
and Golden, each of whom is in her prime.
Full disclosure: this critic worked as a nurse in
several assisted living communities over the past few decades, and
has to admit.....it's all true. Well, except maybe the skydiving.
And, by the way, while you should be careful what you bet on, you can
surely bet on this one.